How to Add Dreamy Glow Effect ?
Learn to Add Dreamy Nostalgic Glow in Adobe Premiere Pro. Gloom and bloom are the new trends in the industry, depending on the emotional touch

Ultimate guide to LUTs in 2023
Colorists can choose the LUTs based on the genre or visual feel they are trying to emulate, which makes the process much faster and efficient.<br

We created Blade Runner 2049 inspired sounds for for film project
If you think of Blade Runner, one of the first things to flood your mind will be its dark melodic film-noir retro-future music by Vangelis.

How we recreated cinematic SFX inspired from Tenet [Free Download]
Inspired by TENET soundtracks, we at Premiere Cut, recreated some of the cinematic sounds and sound effects using our Solaris SFX Library and the results

Sound Editing Vs Mixing: What’s the difference? Which comes first? and How to?
A film you watch is half visuals and half sound. Film viewing is an experience in itself and both sound and visuals affect our senses,

How To Design Sound For Your Short Film in Premiere Pro 2021
Do you want to leave maximum impact on your viewers with your video/film? Follow our guide below on sound design in Adobe Premiere Pro 2021